Friday, March 25, 2011


Please answer the following questions so that I am able to see what you knew before researching, and can know exactly what I should cover in the next blog post.

Do you know the government structures in each country? Which countries do we support, maybe not support? What aid if any do we give, and to which countries? How much money is spent annually in the Middle East? Do you think as a nation that is already in debt that we should give money to other countries? Why/why not?

Side note: Do you like the way the blog is running so far? I realized I have no been able to keep up every single day, especially weekends, but have also realized that many of  my comments that I do receive are throughout the weekday. Any specific topic you would like me to research and blog about? What do you think that I should do differently, maybe something you like in particularly?

Also...Have you started any of the recommended Middle East books?


  1. I have attached the following links that provide information as to who the U.S. gives foreign aid to:

    The following is a link explaining the U.S. debt:

    Now this is coming from someone who has a hard time balancing her checkbook, but you do not have to be a rocket scientist to know that U.S. is not coming out of debt anytime soon. The people that are going to be hit hard with this debt are most likely my children and/or grandchildren. By the time I retire, there might not even be social security. Individuals need to start taking measurements into their own hands as far as saving for the future. With that having been said, I still think we should give money to countries that need our help. How could we just stand by right now and not help Japan? I would give someone the shirt off my back, if they needed it, and I am by far, rich. I live comfortably, but always donate on a regular basis.

    You are running your blog beautifully. I would not change one thing. As far as not keeping up on weekends, your young, go have fun!!! I had to purchase a book for one of my classes and needed to spend $25 in order to qualify for free shipping at (lol) so I purchased Three Cups of Tea. I look forward to reading it once my semester is over and would love to discuss it with you once I am finished.

  2. Thank you so much! I will be sure to look over that and do more research before I submit my blog over this! :)

  3. Finally done with school. I am going to be starting Three Cups of Tea tonight. Hope all is well. Lynda :-)
