Monday, March 14, 2011


Where do you think that the picture was taken?
What makes you think this?
What would you assume is happening in the photograph?

Believe it or not the above photograph from MSN, was taken in Baghdad, Iraq. Remember the fear you had on September 11th, 2001? Luckily, for us, the people here in America, for the most part have it pretty easy. Those living in the Middle East, live day-to-day in fear of making it out alive.

To me as I have studied the area I have changed perspectives a bit and that's okay. At first I didn't agree with the Taliban or any group associated to such acts. I have learned what so many Americans lack, the idea, that not all Muslims, or people there are terrorists. Don't get me wrong I love my country, and couldn't be more proud to be in a country with such freedoms, but at the same time, I don't believe it is okay to hate another region, or people, simply because of acts of groups and not necessarily single handed individuals. Just like here in America, there are those who are innocent and deserve a chance, and those who hurt the reputation here in America. Take for example when groups here wanted to burn the Quran. Could you imagine that happening in a different country and what America would do if say, the Bible, any religious book for that matter, was being burned? We are not as innocent as we portray, consider even the KKK, or other hate groups. Although, we may not act, the things I hear come out of some people's mouth is absolutely ridiculous.

PLEASE, do not interpret this wrong. I DO NOT support terrorism, but I could see how a group could become what it has become.'re a young boy and as you grow up your country has been taken over time-and-time again. As years past and you become a young teen, and political turmoil has continued for years, a group forms in order to captivate your country over to create a change, a country with a chance. Now years later as they have ran out those who have invaded the country, the group is more powerful than expected. I don't necessarily think it is by choice either. It goes back to the idea of what would you do for your family? What are your options when you either could be killed for not following the rules within the organization, or left to struggle to make it alive. I don't know about you, but for my family, I would sacrifice my beliefs and values, in order to ensure a better life for them.

What are your thoughts? Would you join the Taliban? What are your thoughts about burning flags, or religious books? How might your life be different if the "conflict" was on our lands, and we had groups, that placed bombs in near by places?

Bless those who face obstacles all over the world for whatever reason, those who can't travel around their city as peaceful as us, and those who have lost a loved one due to a extremist group...even those who will die tomorrow.


  1. Everyone is entitled to their own choice of religion and to burn a bible, torah, or Quran is a hideous act and very disrespectful. I pray and hope that one day the people in the Middle East are granted peace and are able to live like us, Americans. The American way of life is very different after 9/11 as far as traveling is concerned. You cannot get on an airplane without being fully body scanned and searched. My laptop and cell phones also need to be scanned. I have had lighters and aerosol hairspray cans taken away from me, and each and every single of my shoes checked, and mind you, I love shoes. In addition, I have been questioned in the past because I had a one-way ticket to a destination. In regard to my family, I would do anything and everything humanly possible to protect them from harm and to make sure their privacy is never invaded.

  2. You are doing a good job of struggling with the issues central to the conflict over Islam in the US. Keep up your thinking and don't ever stop asking questions! There are no black and white answers; we should strive to understand the questions better and the shades of meaning that considering different viewpoints produces.

  3. Lynda-I agree completely! Teachermom2-Thank you! I think it is absolutely critical that we understand the whole aspect of the Middle East not just individual views!
